Sunday, July 29, 2012

Repairing Your Castle

Today is the first time that this message appeared. For those who don't know or never seen this message, after your castle is defeated by a player or even a robber baron castle (is that even possible?), random buildings in your castle may look like it has caught on fire, and requires repairing. Repairing is usually really cheap and only takes a few minutes to repair, but repairing should always be the first priority (even though it's not like the fire can spread). That is why you have a few options to prevent having your buildings being damaged. The options are shown above near the bottom. The first option is to buy protection. Similar to Beginner's Protection, other players are not allowed to attack your castle so long as you don't attack other players. The second option is to open your castle gates. By doing so, when other players attack you, instead of putting up a fight, you simply hand over the loot and honor, so that you don't lose any soldiers or have damaged buildings (you probably have to give more loot than if you put up a defeated fight).

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