Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Perfect Outposts

Like many other things in life, there is no one perfect combination of outposts that are better than any other. However, there are some combinations that are one of the better options. First, when choosing your outposts, you have to decide if you would rather have a really big military or a really big economy. Having a big economy means you can build more stuff and not run out of wood and stone as easily. If you want a really big military, you need a lot of Farmhouses in order to support a big army. For those who don't know, all outposts that you can capture (requires level 13) can only produce two resources, while your main base can produce all three (wood, stone, and food). All outposts have a primary resource and a secondary resource. As shown in the screenshot above, the icon of the food resource is on top, meaning it is the primary resources, while the secondary resource is the stone at the bottom. The screenshot above shows the outposts sparkling, meaning it's rare. By rare, I mean the primary resource is able to have a total of eight plants maximum at 100% occupany, while a non-sparkling primary resource can only have six plants maximum at 100% occupancy. You should try to capture the rare outposts as much as possible.

So the most basic combination that is good is shown below, in the order of primary/seondary:

1.Food/Stone (or wood here, if you really want, but stone becomes important later in the game) 2.Wood/Food 3.Stone/Food

This combination is quite balanced. You don't have to capture your outposts in the exact order listed above, but it is helpful to do it like that. The second one is the best military based outpost combination:

1.Food/Wood 2.Food/Stone (or wood) 3.Food/Stone

This way, your outposts alone can have 18 (or 24 if they are all rare outposts) Farmhouses producing at 100% occupancy. In return however, you will run out of resources more often. The last good outpost combination is economically based, so you can build lots of stuff and run out of resources rarely.

1.Wood/Food 2.Stone (or wood)/Food 3.Stone/Food


  1. I have all 3 kinds of perfect outposts

    1. P.S I am josephwarrior8 but I was not alloud to wright that as my name

  2. i have 2 outposts Food/wood and Stone/food
